
The Flossbach von Storch magazine

“Position” is published regularly and explains how the financial markets work – and how to invest your assets robustly. In addition to practical information on the subject of money, you will find analyses on monetary policy, investment strategy and developments in the financial markets. Our aim is to provide you with topics and thought-provoking issues that will help your professional and personal development.

The newest issue of the Position

„In the Museum“

“Because one thing is certain: the (state) pension!” For the younger generation, this sounds like a line from a mediocre 1980s pop song. In fact, it was probably one of the best-known election campaign slogans of a popular German political party at that time.

Today, most people know that one thing is certain – and it’s not the pension! Especially not for all those contributors who would like to take their well-earned retirement in 30 or 40 years’ time.

There are simply too many old people – and too few young people. This imbalance, which has been building up over decades and is therefore almost impossible to reverse, is pushing the distribution system to its limits. This means that the government is already having to plug holes that will be almost impossible to plug in the future.

It has long since become clear that it is not just the pensions of many people and thus their carefree retirement that are at risk, but the prosperity of an entire economy.